Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wynwood Arts District and Yin Yang Nail Art!

Tanktop: (Forever 21) $2.50
Wide Legged Pants: (Forever 21) $19.50
Black Sandals: (Target) $11.99
Necklace: (Forever 21) $2.50
Backpack (Ebay) $21.99

On Thursday, me and my friend went to the Wynwood Art District in Wynwood, Miami. Literally, if you love art and colorful drawings (like I do) you're going to loose your mind. Its one of the prettiest places I've been to. All of the walls are decorated in artistic and elaborate graffiti and drawings. I wont lie, it was in a sketchy part of town but honestly it wasn't even that bad. I wanted to take pictures of probably every single thing I laid my eyes on but that didn't happen because i'm a genius and forgot my camera at home...BUT I did get a lot of photos using my friend's phone camera!

The patience it took to do my nails...But it was actually really easy. Just painted 'em white and added the black swirl with a slow smooth stroke and fixed up my mistakes with a q-tip or another coat of nail polish. For the perfect dot, I had to MacGuyver a dotting tool and cut a q-tip in half and dipped them in nail polish. (make sure your nails are COMPLETELY dry between each coat!) 

more art!



and of course guess where we went afterward...
(South Beach shoppin!)

Fun days in Miami..

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